Welcome to the World

We are over the moon to announce our newest arrival to our little family – welcome to the world our little Daisy 🌼 Born on the 24th October 2022, one day before her due date and already we can’t remember what life was like without you. We are currently doing our best to navigate life…

Pumpkin picking and autumn updates

Autumn being my favourite season of the year is normally one filled to the brim with festive activities, festive bakes, decorations and costumes, but for the first year ever we have our biggest bit of planning going on for our newest arrival landing imminently! That being said we have still done our best to get…

And so it begins

And just like that, as of 1.30am this morning I submitted my final document for work before signing off for what will be the start of my maternity leave! I can’t believe where the time has gone this year and that we will soon be welcoming a new arrival! I can’t believe it is October…

Baby Shower for Little Lawrence No 2

We are feeling so blessed and thankful for the people in our lives right now, and the reality of baby number 2 joining us shortly is now quickly approaching! After what has been a massive year of major personal growth and obstacles for our family alongside a pregnancy that has brought along it’s own physical…

6 months pregnant

It is crazy to believe that we have already hit the 6 month mark at 23 weeks! I’m not sure where the time is going this pregnancy, but I imagine having a 2 year old to run around after helps that process. Thankfully despite a slight return on the sickness, the main morning sickness I…

Half Way There

We are officially 20 weeks along and now at the half way point with Little Lawrence No 2 and feeling like I have well and truly popped now! In true Little Lawrence fashion it seems that we have another little stubborn Lawrence like their older brother, so much so that they were persistent at staying…

National Infertility Awareness Week 2022 – Our story

A topic often surrounded by stigma, which so many feel uncomfortable discussing, approaching, sharing and for some even simply acknowledging. Living with or through infertility struggles is often a very challenging and isolating time in a lot of couples lives. I feel very blessed to be where we are currently with our beautiful son and…

Little Lawrence Number 2

Rich and I are excited to announce that another little Lawrence will be joining us in October! 🎃🍂❤ We are over the moon and still somewhat wrapping our heads around our surprise blessing, that although was very much planned, has decided to join us a few years ahead of when we scheduled! From being told…

A year in review – 2019

2019 you have been an absolute whirlwind for us and will forever be the year in my heart that we overcame personal and professional challenges and heartbreak as a couple and came out of it all stronger for it ❤ We worked our arses off in work taking on bigger and more challenging yet fullfilling…

Our Baby Shower 30.11.19

Time is quickly getting closer to the day that we get to meet our little bundle of joy and so too the time finally came that we got to celebrate our little Lawrence with all of our loved ones this weekend 💗💙 If there is one thing I feel for sure, it’s that you are…